The Attapeu Community Development Project

Reduce poverty – Improve food security – Improve health

Since the beginning of 2010, in addition to strengthening the medical system, the SFE has extended its support to the most disadvantaged populations in Attapeu province through community health development projects. The main objective is to help communities improve their living conditions and ensure their socio-economic situation.

33 villages were supported, representing approximately 14,000 villagers.

For this reason, an important part of the projects relies on the establishment of village management committees, including men and women, who are trained to plan, supervise the implementation of activities developed by the villagers and manage collective decision-making.

After villager needs assessment, activities are implemented according to an action plan specifically developed by each village. The villagers are then trained by the SFE teams to carry out the activities.

Evaluation collective des bsoins prioirtaires
Le bailleur de fonds visitant une serre du projet à Dakliam
Diagnostic de détaection de la malnutrition

Domaines d’intervention

Les domaines d’intervention sont souvent récurrents dans les villages :

  1. Improving food security
    • Introduction of more productive rice varieties and inter-cropping techniques
    • Development of vegetable and fruit gardens
    • Development of organic fertilizers and pesticides
    • Establishment of seed banks in the villages
    • Training of veterinarians for livestock management (disease control, vaccination)
  2. Improvement of the health of the villagers
    • Installation of latrines and water supply system and water filters
    • Training of village health volunteers for prevention, detection and treatment of common diseases, first aid.
    • Supply of mosquito nets
    • Setting up first aid pharmacies and management by health volunteers
    • Awareness session on hygiene practices and basic health care
    • Diagnosis and follow-up of severe malnutrition in children
    • Set up nutrition classes for a more nutritious and diversified diet for children.
  3. Increased livelihoods and incomes
    • Introduction of plantation for sale: coffee, sasha inchi, pepper
    • Optimization of the production of vegetables and mushrooms for sale
    • Breeding of frogs, crickets, fish for sale
  4. Raising awareness on environmental management and protection
    • Training of villagers in sustainable land management, water management, adaptation to climate change
    • Energy efficient stoves are proposed
    • Installation of a household waste disposal system


The impact of the 3 phases of the community project is clearly visible in the supported villages. The population claims to be in much better health. Severe malnutrition in children under 5 years of age has been reduced by 50%, and chronic malnutrition by 23%. Parasitic infections have decreased by 50%. Toilet use has become a widespread habit, with the project having built more than 1000 latrines in addition to water systems built or repaired and water filters. Families now have access to a diversified and richer diet thanks to the vegetables and fruits from their vegetable garden. The sale of some products on the local market enables them to buy rice in case the annual production is not sufficient to cover the family’s needs.

öa joie du chef du village de Kakliam devant le résulat des semences améliorées