Health Education, Salavan

Health Education: Improving health, nutrition and well-being for all

The SFE started in 2017 a health education project in the province of Saravan with the objective of reducing poverty. A new phase of this project starts in 2021 in 10 new poor villages, 5 health centers, a district hospital and the provincial hospital. Using previously trained hospital staff as trainers, this approach allows to strengthen acquired practices and to develop a system of continuous training between the hospital and the health centers.

Targeting mother and child and adolescent health in particular, this project has a broader impact on all villagers by promoting proactive and sustainable development and addressing all commonly encountered health problems.


The province of Salavan is one of the five poorest rural provinces in Laos, whose health situation is very precarious, making it a priority for the government. A major concern is the poor hygienic conditions in the villages due to the lack of access to drinking water, the lack of toilets, and the limited treatment of domestic waste. As a result, infections are a common issue in these villages. Despite many efforts on the part of local leaders to improve the situation, certain indicators are still alarming: 43% of children under 5 years of age suffer from malnutrition due to a poorly diversified diet, the infant and maternal mortality rate is still very high due to customary practices that are harmful to the health of mothers and infants. The lack of medical knowledge of the staff of health centers and hospitals does not allow them to offer appropriate and quality care and explains the limited use of medical facilities by the village populations, who often resort primarily to traditional medicines.


This health education project integrates an axis “support to the medical system” combined with a “community development” axis, with the following objectives:

  • Capacity building of health professionals working in the maternal and child sectors to ensure that women have access to quality maternity care and that newborns receive essential neonatal care.
  • The development of chronic disease services at the provincial and district hospital levels.
  • Improving the nutritional status of villagers, especially children and adolescents, in partner villages through targeted agricultural activities and nutrition education.
  • Improving the health conditions of villagers through the provision of safe drinking water, toilets and training on hygiene, health and risk management.

Some activities

  • Deployment of the training curriculum in maternal and child care practices for nurses and midwives in the 5 health centers and one district hospital.
  • Medical staff will be trained to provide correct diagnosis and adequate treatment for infectious and chronic diseases.
  • Improved access to health services for people with disabilities.
  • Implementation of a health education program for children and adolescents in villages and schools.
  • Village committees will be trained to plan and manage development activities in their villages.
  • The villagers will be trained in the construction of water supply systems and latrines as well as in agriculture, the production of organic fertilizers and the establishment of vegetable and fruit gardens.
  • Awareness-raising sessions on the themes of nutrition, hygiene, the importance of schooling and equality will be carried out in the villages.
Fiche-projet (PDF)


  • The medical staff of 5 health centers and 2 hospitals (300 staffs)
  • The population of 10 villages (4150 people)
  • All the women and children in villages dependent on the 5 health centers, the district hospital and the provincial hospital.

First phase

The first phase of the project was run from 2017 thru 2020