This project extends the SFE’s action in strengthening health services in Sekong province, so that quality care is offered to the entire population. The first support, which began 9 years ago and targeted assistance in the diagnosis and prevention of tuberculosis, has been extended, at the request of local health officials, to hospital support through the implementation of a medical training program for nurses, doctors and midwives.
The province of Sekong is a poor rural province, 31% of the population lives below the poverty line. It is composed of about fifteen ethnic minorities living in villages mostly scattered in the mountains where access is often limited especially during the rainy season. In recent years, the health problems have become highly contrasted between a poor rural population still heavily affected by communicable diseases, a high child mortality rate, a still high rate of chronic malnutrition and an urban population less affected by communicable diseases but whose share of chronic diseases is increasing.
It is clear that the local health system is ill-equipped to meet these new challenges. Significant progress has been observed in the quality of care at the Sekong provincial hospital, some district hospitals and health centers. It is because of better trained doctors, nurses and midwives, adequate supply of medical equipment and optimized management of medical services that quality has been optimized. However, certain sectors still need to be developed, such as the prevention and control of infections in hospitals, mother-child care in remote areas, management of chronic diseases and rehabilitation of patients, and the adaptability of the health system to health crises.
This project is part of the health planning framework of Laos and responds to the needs of the health strategy of the province of Sekong. It integrates a main axis of medical training in hospitals and health centers and technical assistance in the water-sanitation field for 5 villages. Based on the skills of the health professionals already trained in the previous phases, its objectives are to
Phase I and II – 2014-2020. The project started in 2014, each phase during 3 years. The second phase ended en 2020.